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About This Station

The station is powered by a Davis VP2 Plus Wireless weather station with Wireless Soil Temperature , Moisture , Leaf Wetness Station.
The data is collected every 2.5 seconds and the site is updated every 5 - 10 minutes.
This site and its data is collected using Weather Display Software.
The Main station comprises of an Anemometer, Rain gauge 0.2 mm ,Temperature , Humidity ,Solar Light and UV Sensors.
Soil Wireless Station, Soil sensors at 100mm , Soil Temperature ,Soil Moisture and Leaf Wetness.
Sensors are situated in optimal positions for highest accuracy possible.

Station Info

Station Console

Battery: 4.6 Volts
Station RX Level: 94%

ISS Station Stats

Battery: Station 2 Low
RX Quality:23068 1486 0 111 902 ,Packets received, Packets missed, no.resynch, The largest No. of packets in a row., No.of CRC errors.

PC Stats

Windows Run time : 17 Days 5 Hours 47 Minutes 21 Seconds
3.03GB Free PC Memory

WD Statistics

Start Date: 9:35:39 AM 13/07/2024 ,Data count: 3023192
WD Version: 10.37S & Build: 151

Inside Conditions

Inside Temp: 20.1°C
Inside Temp Max: 22.4°C
Inside Temp Min: 14.7°C
Inside Humidity: 50%
Inside Humidity Max: 64%
Inside Humidity Min: 42%
Yest Inside Temp Max: 22.8 °C
Yest Inside Temp Min: 13.0 °C

About This Website

This site is a template design by Special thanks go to Kevin Reed at TNET Weather.

Template is originally based on Designs by Haran.

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