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WeatherUnderground 6-day Forecast - Wesburn, AU
WeatherUnderground 6-day Forecast: Wesburn, AU
Today Tomorrow Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Partly Cloudy AM Clouds, PM Sun Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny PM Thunderstorms Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy AM Clouds, PM Sun Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny PM Thunderstorms Partly Cloudy
3.3 mm
Thunder expected
18°C 23°C 30°C 33°C 27°C 25°C
UV: 9
 Very High 
UV: 9
 Very High 
UV: 9
 Very High 
UV: 9
 Very High 
UV: 8
 Very High 
UV: 9
 Very High 
Tonight Tomorrow night Friday night Saturday night Sunday night Monday night
Mostly Cloudy Clear Clouds Early, Clearing Late Partly Cloudy Mostly Clear Mostly Clear
Mostly Cloudy Clear Clouds Early, Clearing Late Partly Cloudy Mostly Clear Mostly Clear
11°C 9°C 19°C 24°C 14°C 12°C


A mix of clouds and sun. High 18C. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 km/h.
Mainly cloudy. Low 11C. Winds S at 10 to 15 km/h.
Morning clouds will give way to sunshine for the afternoon. High 23C. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 km/h.
Tomorrow night
Clear. Low 9C. Winds E at 10 to 15 km/h.
Partly cloudy. High around 30C. Winds N at 10 to 15 km/h.
Friday night
Cloudy early with partial clearing expected late. Low 19C. Winds light and variable.
Except for a few afternoon clouds, mainly sunny. High 33C. Winds N at 15 to 25 km/h.
Saturday night
A few clouds. Low 24C. Winds NNE at 15 to 25 km/h.
A few showers during the morning with thunderstorms developing in the afternoon. High 27C. Winds NNW at 15 to 25 km/h. Chance of rain 70%.
Sunday night
Clear skies with a few passing clouds. Low 14C. Winds light and variable.
Partly cloudy skies. High near 25C. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 km/h.
Monday night
A few clouds overnight. Low 12C. Winds light and variable.


WeatherUnderground forecast for Wesburn, AU.
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